Best Of Phoenix 2001 – Best French Fries

Best Of Phoenix 2001 – Best French Fries

(reprinted from the Phoenix New Times, Sept. 20, 2001)

Best of Phoenix New Times 2001“Home of the Windy City Slider,” the Chicago Hamburger Company’s sign reads, and yes, the shop makes a mighty good burger. But it’s worth a trip all the way to Chi-town just for this company’s French fries. If you think fries are all the same, you’ve been sleepwalking through fast-food joints. Wake up and sample these spuds. Magnificent models of potato, these are piping hot, skinless, generously salted and crisp-edged. Like any proud potato, though, they’ve got to be eaten fresh from the kitchen — to transport the delicate sticks too far would be tater torture. A generous sackful sets you back a mere $1.29, and for just 50 cents more, you can gild the fries with cheese or chili. Save your two bits, though. Fries this good don’t even need ketchup.